Preschool Ideas
Preschool T.I.M.E.

Preschool ideas such as the T.I.M.E. philosophy will help you create memorable influential experiences with your child.

Anybody who spends some time with preschoolers quickly realizes that they are entering a world of magic.

Childhood, is a time for exploring and making sense of the world. It's a time to ask important questions that usually begin with "why?" and end with "but why?". It is a time for building friendships and socializing with our peers. Most importantly, it's a time when children leap back and forth between reality and their imagination.

Help your child have a great childhood by taking the T.I.M.E.

T.I.M.E: Think - Influential - Meaningful - Experiences

You have the ability to turn any ordinary moment in your child's life to a Meaningful Experience! The power is in your hands and all you need to do is Think of how to be Influential.

What is a Meaningful Experience?

Think about your childhood memories; some might be good while others may not be so great. Those experiences shaped you into the adult you are today and the collected memories create your overall feeling about your childhood. Now, as adults, our goal is to raise children that will grow up with the feeling that they are unique individuals who are loved, supported, and cared for. Remember the memories we are creating with our children today will carry them into their adulthood.

Too often we simply go through the motions as we rush through our busy days: Morning routine, eat your breakfast, brush your teeth, off to school, pick up after school, dinner, bath, story and go to bed!

Here is a little funny song about it:

I find this song much more appropriate - it touched an emotional chord in my heart.

Do not let those precious moments slip away any longer...

Begin brainstorming some preschool ideas with these preschool learning activities.

It is not the QUANTITY of time that you spend with your child but the QUALITY of T.I.M.E.

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